At HealthFount Medical Centre run an appointment based system. You can book an appointment with your preferred doctor by phoning the practice or online via HotDoc. Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly, kindly notify the receptionist. Appointments are made at 15 minute intervals. When making your appointment kindly inform our receptionist if you need extra time.
We endeavor to keep to the appointment schedules as we would not want to keep anyone waiting. However, given the unpredictable nature of medical practice, doctors sometimes run behind time despite best intentions. This is often because a patient requires urgent and unexpected medical attention. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we fall behind with our appointment time. Be however rest assured that you will be given the time you deserve
If you no longer require your appointment, we would appreciate you calling to cancel at least 2 hours before the appointment time so the time can be made available to other patients. If you do not give us 2 hours’ notice, or you do not attend your appointment you will be charged a fee ($40 for standard consultation, $80 for long consultation). Please note that you will be unable to see any of our doctors until the fee is paid.